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painted fascinators

painted fascinators

A fascinator hat of orange, coral, white, and gold painted flowers made of egg carton

Golden Flower Bouquet
Whimsical Painted Fascinator

Initially, I priced these whimsical painted hats at $1,000,000,000.00 each because an artist friend, huddled in front of a space heater on a particularly cold day in Asheville a few years back, told me a story about an Italian artist who duct-taped a banana to a wall, called it art, and sold it for a million bucks. So, in remembering the story and having to price my hats, I thought, "Why not? My site addresses 'The Ridiculous' so, maybe someone out there needs to launder some monies?" LOL. 

I don't think it is possible for an artist to honestly answer the never-ending and oh-so-draining question "How long did it take for you to make this?" Hours, days, weeks, and in many cases, years went into the making of these painted hats because, like all of my creations, I roam and continually add and subtract from them as long as they are sitting around. They are forever "works in progress" until I put them away. I consider these "million dollar hats" because to me, putting a price on the expenditure of spirit is such a ridiculous way of thinking and being, that I priced them just as ridiculously.

Anyways, back to the story. I looked it up online. The name of the artist was Maurizio Cattelan. He bought the banana for .30 cents at a local bodega and it sold for $120,000 instead of a million. The duct-taped banana was replaced and sold 3 times, for $120,000 -$150,000 each. Still, it doesn't add up to a million. The different stories all said that the police were called in eventually. One story says it's because the crowd grew too large and another says they were called in because some thief ate the banana, without payment. My initial thought was that he was probably thinking the "art" exhibit was some sort of retro "happening", so in that spirit ate the banana, but reading further, he ate it because... he was hungry.

Some folks who read this will shake their heads because the idea of a banana duct taped to a wall and called "art" is just plain ridiculous. Some might be angered by the wasteful spending, knowing that there are people in this world who are hungry and cold. Others, who had heard the story before, might shake their heads because my and my friend's facts weren't correct. Fake news and all that. Others still, will shake their heads because instead of focusing on the ridiculous banana story, they, more importantly, noticed that my friend was freezing. And some readers will shake their heads at their luck at being able to now purchase one of these ridiculous hats for the new discounted prices of $150 -$600. Tips ac
cepted. Grin.


Golden Flower Bouquet Whimsical Painted Fascinator
Colorful Flower Bouquet Whimsical Painted Fascinator
A colorful fascinator hat of orange, pink, coral, aqua, and gold painted flowers made of egg carton

Colorful Flower Bouquet
Whimsical Painted Fascinator

pinks, greens, golds, aquas, and metallic copper
colorfully painted egg carton flowers
on coconut shell

upcycled hat
elastic for a dread bun


A painted fascinator hat with a green, pink, and aqua flower bouquet upcycled from berry and egg cartons  on a headband

Aqua & Green Flower
Whimsical Painted Fascinator

The first of my berry and egg carton painted hats. I made this pink, green, and aqua flower fascinator on a city bus. A bus I bought to renovate into a home on wheels, but which became my studio when the world shut down in 2020. It was cold AF, but the natural lighting was great and helped to lift my spirits. That joy factor is loudly apparent in the ridiculousness of this whimsical hat. I imagine it on top of a powdered wig, with a powdered face, circles of coral rouge for cheeks, and just a swipe of hot pink lipstick with a finger, for a berry-stained pouty lip look. Simple, like make-up in Europe might have been in its infancy. This silly art hat makes me think of cotton candy and clowns and I imagine a parody with french court costumes that involve white fishnets, big bows on satin shoes, a ruffly-lace trimmed corset, and my blue brocade pirate wench skirt, upcycled from a bedspread. An egg carton hat and a bedspread skirt... hmm? I think I'll title the ensemble "Breakfast in Bed".

Aqua & Green Flower Whimsical Painted Fascinator
A painted fascinator hat with a colorful flower bouquet upcycled from berry and egg cartons  on a headband

Colorful Flower Bouquet
Whimsical Painted Fascinator

pinks, corals, aquas,  greens, and metallic copper
painted egg and berry carton
upcycled hat
headband fascinator


Colorful Flower Bouquet Whimsical Painted Fascinator
A painted fascinator hat with a hot pink flower bouquet upcycled from berry and egg cartons  on a headband

Hot Pink Flower Bouquet
Whimsical Painted Fascinator

pinks, reds, corals, green, and metallic copper
painted egg and berry carton
upcycled hat
headband fascinator


Hot Pink Flower Bouquet Whimsical Painted Fascinator
A painted fascinator hat upcycled from berry and egg cartons has maroon and pink flowers piled on top of a small purple square

Purple & Pink Flower Bouquet
Whimsical Painted Fascinator

A wearable art hat. Dripping with purple, the small square base on this painted fascinator is an upcycled (blue)berry carton. Affixed to it are repurposed egg cartons that I've cut, shaped, and painted into pinkish-maroon flowers and, neon-green leaves.  The egg carton flowers are dry brushed with metallic copper adding a bit of fancy shimmer to the fascinating hat. For a secure fit and easy on and off when getting in and out of a car, the whimsical bouquet is attached to a painted satin headband... with a toilet paper roll. Fixed at a dramatic cock and tilted slightly over one brow, guarantees you'll feel stylish every time you put on this "touch of ridiculous", even when without a mirror.  I wonder what the conversation will be, empress.

Purple & Pink Flower Whimsical Art Painted Hat
A painted fascinator hat with a purple flower bouquet upcycled from berry and egg cartons  on a headband

Fuzzy Purple Flower
Whimsical Bouquet Painted Fascinator

purples, white, green, and metallic copper
painted egg
and berry carton
upcycled hat
headband fascinator


Fuzzy Purple Flower Whimsical Bouquet Painted Fascinator
A painted fascinator hat with raspberry, purple and pink flowers upcycled from berry and egg cartons on a headband

Pink Flower
Whimsical Art Painted Fascinator

pink green and metallic copper
painted egg and berry carton
upcycled hat
headband fascinator


Pink Flower Whimsical Art Painted Hat
A painted fascinator hat with red, gold, and green flowers upcycled from berry and egg cartons on a copper fabric headband

Red Gold & Green Flower
Whimsical Painted Fascinator

red, gold, green and metallic copper
painted egg and berry carton
upcycled hat
headband fascinator


Red, Gold & Green Flower Whimsical Painted Hat
purple flower and green painted hat

Empress Flower Bouquet
Painted Fascinator

purples, pinks, violets, greens, and metallic copper
 painted egg carton
pinecone and fabric flowers

on styrofoam stereo packing
upcycled hat
on wide headband


Empress Flower Bouquet Painted Fascinator
Queen of Hearts painted fascinator hat

Queen of Hearts Paper Cup
Crown Painted Fascinator

red and metallic gold
painted graduating hearts
on gold paper cup crown
with red heart beads
upcycled hat
headband fascinator


Queen of Hearts Paper Cup Crown Painted Fascinator
black white and red flower painted basket hat

Black, White & Red Egg Carton
Painted Basket Hat

black, and white with a touch of red
stripped, animal print, and polka dot fabric
 painted eggcarton flower
on straw basket

upcycled hat
Mardi Gras 2022


Black, White & Red Egg Carton Painted Basket Hat
painted hats

painted hats

Purple and pink stripe and swirl flower painted top hat

Over the Top
Hot Pink Painted Hat 

maroon, purple, and metallic violet
hand-painted swirl and stripped
hot fuchsia pink satin top hat
with egg carton flowers
upcycled hat
cotton grosgrain


Over the Top Hot Pink Painted Hat
owl and flower hot pink painted top hat

Hot Pink
Painted Owl Top Hat

pink, beige, purple, and metallic violet
hand-painted owl and flowers
fuchsia pink satin top hat
trimmed with painted egg carton flowers
upcycled hat
cotton grosgrain


Hot Pink Painted Owl Top Hat
tiny painted hats

tiny painted hats

A forest green and aqua painted hat topped with flowers is upcycled from a bowl, egg cartons and scrap chiffon fabric

Aqua & Green Flower
Upcycled Tiny Painted Hat

aqua, green, and pearl white
painted egg carton and bowl
upcycled hat
secure with bobby pins

lace loops

Aqua & Green Flower Upcycled Tiny Painted Hat
A tiny Barbie pink painted hat topped with flowers is upcycled from a bowl, egg cartons and scrap fabric

Pink Flower 
Whimsical Art Tiny Painted Hat

red, salmon, Barbie pink, and pearl white
painted egg carton and bowl
upcycled hat
secure with bobby pins
lace loops


Pink Flower Tiny Whimsical Art Painted Hat
A tiny hat with flowers on top and a striped hatband is painted green with bronze highlights

Green Flower 
Whimsical Art Tiny Painted Hat

green, bronze, and pearl white
painted egg carton and bowl
upcycled hat
secure with bobby pins

lace loops

Green Flower  Whimsical Art Tiny Painted Hat
A tiny hat with egg carton flowers a striped fabric hatband and green leaves is painted purple with pearl highlights

Purple Flower
Whimsical Tiny Painted Hat

purple, fuchsia pink, and pearl white
painted egg carton and bowl
upcycled hat
secure with bobby pins

lace loops


Purple Flower Whimsical Tiny Painted Hat
A rust and orange tiny painted hat has repurposed egg carton flowers, a floral fabric hatband and green leaves

Orange Flower
Whimsical Tiny Painted Hat

rust, orange, and pearl white
painted egg carton and bowl
upcycled hat
secure with bobby pins

lace loops

Orange Flower Whimsical Tiny Painted Hat
A tiny hat with egg carton flowers a lace hatband and green leaves is painted red and fuchsia  pink with pearl highlights

Red & Pink Flower
Whimsical Tiny Painted Hat

red, hot pink, and pearl white
painted egg carton and bowl
upcycled hat
secure with bobby pins

lace loops

Red & Pink Flower Whimsical Tiny Painted Hat
A white, bronze and black tiny painted hat has repurposed egg carton flowers, a chiffon hatband and green leaves

Black Flower
Whimsical Tiny Painted Hat

black, metallic bronze, and pearl white
painted egg carton and bowl
upcycled hat
secure with bobby pins
lace loops


Black Flower Whimsical Tiny Painted Hat
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